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Bamboo Two-Section Laundry Basket


bathroom products Bamboo Laundry Hamper with Dual Compartments–Two-Section Laundry Basket with Removable Sliding Bags & Shelf

The two-compartment laundry bag has enough space to hold the clothes of a whole family. it can store everything from clothes, sheets, towels, quilt, coats, toys, and much more. Whether you want to tidy your clothes, collect your laundry,or just want to put away the toys, this spacious laundry basket is the perfect option for you. The sleek and stylish design of this hamper complements every decor.

Size: 13 in. D X 25 in. W X 29 in. H



Product Description

1) This laundry hamper is crafted from premium quality bamboo, which is 100% natural, safe for the environment, and very durable.

Your laundry hamper will stay rustproof and new-like for years to come. Not just for bathroom or laundry rooms, this is a great accessory to add to any bedroom, spas, kid’s room, or kitchen.

2) Keep your delicates and other clothes separately. The dual compartments help you to separate laundry easily and quickly. Also, the fabric bags are designed in such a way that it creates a handle for easy portability.

3) This bamboo laundry hamper comes with everything you will need for installation, including screws and other hardware. Also, it is very easy to install single-handedly within a few minutes, just follow the instructions manual and you are done.

4) This bamboo laundry hamper comes with everything you will need for installation, including screws and other hardware. Also, it is very easy to install single-handedly within a few minutes, just follow the instructions manual and you are done.

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If you absolutely need less than the minimum listed please call us, occasionally we can negotiate smaller orders.

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